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The analysis about the two properties of plexiglass

Time:2019-03-14    Source:TOBEST    Click:1608   

[Abstract] When we mention the two properties of the plexiglass,we can think that its physical property and chemical property.Then let us know the two properties of the plexiglass

       The analysis about the two properties of plexiglass

      When we mention the two properties of the plexiglass,we can think that its physical property and chemical property.Then let us know the two properties of the plexiglass.
     Physical properties
     Plexiglass own the good comprehensive mechanical property,and it is the leader among the common plastic.Its strength is higher than polyolefin,PVC polyvinyl chloride,Its impact toughness is worse than polyolefin and PVC polyvinyl chloride but better than polystyrene.The strength of cast plexiglass(for example the plexiglass panel for aviation) is better and it can reach the level of project plastic like polyamide and Makrolon.Generally speaking,the strength of the plexiglass can readh 50-77MPa,bending strength can reach 90-130Mpa,the upper limit of these property data even can exceed certain project plastic.Its breakage strength rate is just 2%-3%,so its mechanical property belong the hard and crisp plastic,and it owns gap sensitivity,it can break easily under the stress,but the fracture can be not point-edged and irregular like polystyrene.
      40℃ is a second changing temperature,if the temperatue is over 40℃,the toughness and ductility of the material can change.But the surface hardness of the plexiglass is low,so it can break easily.The stress time also affect the hardness of plexiglass,the hardness can reduce as the stress time increase.The technical property of the plexiglass which is stretched increase evidently,fracture sensitivity can also improve.
The heat resistance of plexiglass is not very high, if you use it constiously, the temperature can change between 65℃-95℃ as the working condition change,thermal decomposition temperature is higher than 270℃,and the flowing temperature is about 160℃,so it has broad metling process temperature range.
chemical property
      Chemical resistance and melting resistance
The plexiglass can resist the dilute inorganic acid.But the concentrated inorganic acid can make the plexiglass erosion,it can also resist the alkaline,but the tepid sodium hydroxide,potassium hydroxide can make it erosion,it can also resist the salt and grease,it can aslo not sissolve the water,alochol,glycerinum but it can absorb the alochol swelling,then it break under the stress.Its solubility parameter is about 18.8(J/CM3)1/2,it can dissolve in the dichloroethane,trichloro ethylene,chloroform,methylbenzene.Plexiglass has strong resistance ability for
ozone and sulfur dioxide.


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